Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Posting Postma

It was Oksana's birthday on Saturday, and we were invited to her party, a barbecue on the beach. A Russian/Ukrainian barbecue that is, with plenty of new taste sensations. The pork grilled in Siberian mayonaise sauce was particularly delicious. Towards the end of the afternoon it started throwing it down, with thunder and lightning thrown in for show. We had to wrap up the barbecue and head to the bar behind us for some shelter. Unfortunately, the coffee was cold and the roof very leaky, but good times were had nonetheless. And hey, we picked up some Russian too. Spaziba, Oks!

Doing some gardening

Relaxing in the countryside. Check out the belly on mummy! That's my little brother in there.

With Daniel the Danish Donkey

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